Re: Use cheese with other application?

he ;) i never heard something like that since i started developing..

i totally like that you tell us whats missing from your point of view.
and probably you are right in your special use case. but i can tell you,
that there are some people, who are actually using cheese to do some

you probably also know the unix philosophy "one tool for one task".
well.. sure, you can use kino, use gstreamer directly from the terminal,
and a lot of other things. but think about people, who are not
professional users. they love to have a small app, to do some things,
e.g. take a picture of their child and send it to their mom, have fun
taking photos with some effects and so on. 

when you are using kino to take a photo of yourself, youre somehow using
a ferrari to drive up a mountain. again: cheese isnt perfect at the
moment, integration in the desktop is quite bad, but we are getting
closer and just want to provide a program you can use for the "fun" side
of your life.

to the "online" part: using some cool effects for voip or other streams.
just awesome ;) BUT, do not forget, that we are an application which is
resting on gstreamer. we are using gstreamer to get a picture from the
camera on the screen, we are using gstreamer elements to apply effects.
so i am asking you: why should someone build upon cheese, while we
already have something we could use? everything would be there, to have
the same effects in empathy, ... 

what we actually plan to do is to enhance gstreamer for better effects.
if that step is done, every application, which rests on gstreamer could
use that. sounds like a plan?


On Tue, 2008-04-15 at 21:06 +0200, Hans Martin wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently discoverd cheese. (Sorry for being unillumined for
> so long, but cheese is not yet in my preferred distribution,
> not even in "experimental".)
> I like cheese, but - without any offence - I fail to see the
> point. If I understand correctly, I cannot use the video
> effects of cheese for e.g. amsn (which I use because pidgin
> does not support webcams and my "other end" uses MSN anyway).
> If cheese is meant for "offline" use, I fail to see the point
> again, as I can already capture from the camera and apply
> effects on the video using "kino" or "avidemux".
> I think, cheese would really be cool, if one could feed the
> effects somehow into amsn (or ekiga, or someday distant
> pidgin-with-webcam-support), but without this possibility,
> I'm not sure, what it is good for. Yes, I have fun with
> cheese, but I would like to share the fun :~)
> Is there a way to do this? Or is it planned?
> Cheers and thanks for the cheese despite my criticism!
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