Re: Use cheese with other application?

There is a thread started by me some time ago about it... I've suggested
a "loopback" feature to cheese, so we could use the video, aplied the
effects, loopbacked on a new "virtual" video device that could feed
amsn, ekiga, etc. 

Well, I don't remeber the whole discussion, but as I can remember, the
developers don't see this like a big priority, and have doubt's if it
should be done at all. 

I must say I agree with you, cheese is cool but not that much usefull
for me now, It would be amazing if I could use it to feed another

Em Ter, 2008-04-15 às 21:06 +0200, Hans Martin escreveu:
> Hi,
> I recently discoverd cheese. (Sorry for being unillumined for
> so long, but cheese is not yet in my preferred distribution,
> not even in "experimental".)
> I like cheese, but - without any offence - I fail to see the
> point. If I understand correctly, I cannot use the video
> effects of cheese for e.g. amsn (which I use because pidgin
> does not support webcams and my "other end" uses MSN anyway).
> If cheese is meant for "offline" use, I fail to see the point
> again, as I can already capture from the camera and apply
> effects on the video using "kino" or "avidemux".
> I think, cheese would really be cool, if one could feed the
> effects somehow into amsn (or ekiga, or someday distant
> pidgin-with-webcam-support), but without this possibility,
> I'm not sure, what it is good for. Yes, I have fun with
> cheese, but I would like to share the fun :~)
> Is there a way to do this? Or is it planned?
> Cheers and thanks for the cheese despite my criticism!

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