Use cheese with other application?


I recently discoverd cheese. (Sorry for being unillumined for
so long, but cheese is not yet in my preferred distribution,
not even in "experimental".)

I like cheese, but - without any offence - I fail to see the
point. If I understand correctly, I cannot use the video
effects of cheese for e.g. amsn (which I use because pidgin
does not support webcams and my "other end" uses MSN anyway).

If cheese is meant for "offline" use, I fail to see the point
again, as I can already capture from the camera and apply
effects on the video using "kino" or "avidemux".

I think, cheese would really be cool, if one could feed the
effects somehow into amsn (or ekiga, or someday distant
pidgin-with-webcam-support), but without this possibility,
I'm not sure, what it is good for. Yes, I have fun with
cheese, but I would like to share the fun :~)

Is there a way to do this? Or is it planned?

Cheers and thanks for the cheese despite my criticism!

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