Re: Upstream work in HAL

On 11/2/07, Patryk Zawadzki <patrys pld-linux org> wrote:
> Hi,
> All people involved in making gstreamer support and device detection
> better, please join the upstream discussion:
> I'm trying to push the detection part upstream so cheese only has to
> do this as a fallback. Ideally cheese should ship with my script so
> people who get a fallback can report the correct .fdi to me and get it
> pushed upstream to hal-info.

Hi Patryk,

Thanks for writing the python script for detecting all video4linux
devices and their capabilities. I'm planning on translating your code
to C and use that in the cheese-webcam class so we don't do the
polling anymore like we do now. Furthermore I want to make a
preference dialog where you simply select the device you'd like to

I have some questions about the two problems you mention at the hal
list, because I'm not sure if I understand them

1. Not all devices work properly.

Isn't this a gstreamer problem when hal reports a video4linux device,
we use it in a supported format and it doesn't work?

2. No ability to distinguish between framegrabbers, webcams and tvcards

I agree that detecting this is nice, but I think for cheese it's
actually better to list of all of them in the preference setting.
People might want to use an external camera, or watch TV with Cheese

Thanks again for your script.


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