Re: [BuildStream] Re-using top level elements


I must say I am feeling a bit lost on this thread. I am not really
sure whether we are discussing a problem, a proposal, or both.

I have some comments inline based on whatever little I do understand.
But, I think this thread can definitely benefit from stating the
problem statement more concisely and clearly.

First I'm going to say that, while I have some context from private
conversations to have a clue, I find the term "reusing elements" used
here confusing.

While artifacts and plugins are things to be reused and shared among
projects, elements themselves are not, they are a project's mechanism
of declaring an 'Element' (instance of a plugin).


I would not recommend trying to use includes to accomplish any
templating, and I would not recommend using includes to define
dependency lists (if using a cross junction include to define a
dependency works at all, I would be quite surprised).

I generally agree with what Tristan said.

That said, another way to look at this could be via plugins. The
project can encapsulate the complex logic in a plugin so that the
downstream elements can just that plugin and fill in the blanks via
configuration options, if needed.

The story around using junctioned plugins is already getting nicer by
allowing one to use plugins declared in a subproject. We can make this
even nicer by implementing the default dependencies for plugins, which
can encapsulate the dependency lists for such a plugin.

What I think you are driving at, in my own words, is that basically:

  * There are some constructs which can be difficult or require
    a lot of setup to express

  * Sometimes these constructs require multiple elements, for instance:
    - Build some special extra tools which allow one to deploy an image
    - Compose the filesystem data which needs to be deployed into that
    - Write a final script element, like x86image as an example, which
      uses these tools to create the image

  * It would be nice to be able to share these constructs across
    projects in some way, such that the more complex multi-element
    construct can be expressed with a simple declaration, safely.

  * Especially, if I have a low level project which does provide
    some artifacts which allow building the output, I should be
    able to provide that construct to a project which junctions
    my project.

    Providing this from a lower level project appears to be something
    safe, because I even provided builds of the required artifacts to
    accomplish this task.

Am I pretty much interpreting this correctly ?

I realize that this question wasn't for me, but I'm assuming this to
be correct for the remainder of my message.

To bring back the x86image example, imagine a world where:

  * Freedesktop SDK provided the x86image plugin, but this plugin
    would define the whole construct, exposing some parameters of
    how to apply `compose` configurations to the input, and
    some parameters about filesystem image size, etc.

  * Freedesktop SDK also provided artifacts allowing x86image
    scripts to work (e.g. syslinux, coreutils, mkfs etc).

  * Projects could then depend on Freedesktop SDK for the purpose
    of rolling out bootable x86 images, regardless of whether they
    even use Freedesktop SDK in the payload they are distributing.

  * Now what if the plugin provided by Freedesktop SDK could be
    "bound" to Freedesktop SDK in some way, such that it could
    implicitly depend on elements from that project ?

    This would allow the plugin to automatically depend on artifacts
    from Freedesktop SDK for the purpose of preparing a sysroot in
    which the commands it performs will succeed.

This last point would also be quite powerful, as you point out, there
is no way for a plugin to have knowledge about an element or even how
that element can be addressed, because the plugin does not have a
junction to the project from where it was provided from (the concept of
a project where a plugin was provided from doesn't even exist).

I agree it'll be nice if a plugin was able to depend on elements in
the project where it was declared. For example, if we implement the
default dependencies for plugins, we can say that those dependencies
will always be resolved in the context of the project that defined the

To continue this example, the plugin provided by the FSDK could list
all its requirements as default dependencies. Then the projects
consuming it can just use this plugin without worrying about how to
satisfy those dependencies.

Take this with a grain of salt as well, as it's not fully thought through :)


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