[BuildStream] Re-using top level elements

Hi BuildStream mailing list

## Context

Whilst the BuildStream community are still finessing junctions for dependencies they generally work well and there are some nice open examples, eg, gnome-build-meta[1] using Freedesktop-SDK[2].

However for reusing some classes of element I have not found good examples of how to use junctions:

  * Reuse "top level" elements (see below) through junctions

  * Reuse elements that you need to tweak [3] through junctions

This email will focus on the first but the ML thread for the second is also important.

## Top level element

To me these are any element that manipulates previous elements, eg script elements, although I don't want to tie these down too tightly to any one use case. I think the problem is reasonably generic as many classes of project may find this useful.

Script elements can be used to take existing elements and tweak them, the act of tweaking may want to be defined once and shared via a junction but the element subject to the tweak may come from the project containing the junction.

Other elements as well as script elements behave like this but they are less common.

## Prior art

BuildStream allows projects to include yaml across junctions, projects like CRASH do this [4] to make use of predefined variables in there junctions [2].

Plugins can help with this but most plugins still have some parameters so while they can help I do not think they solve this problem.

## Extending

Including yaml can be extended to element like yaml, a example of such can be found in the example app [5] and example pi support project [6].

Includes seem to be the most canonical/bst way to share top level elements.

## General notes

Because the two projects make assumptions about each other, the base project can only be used by projects that respect those assumptions.

A form of API between projects using junctions already exists for projects that interact with junctions, eg. the file names of bst files in the junction are used in the consuming project, therefore they must match.

But for template yaml the junction-ed template makes assumptions about the consumed project, eg, the name of the junction that included it, if it needs to refer to other elements in the junction-ed project.

## Quirks of the approach

For our attempt to use them we had a setup as follows;

For our PoC we assumed that all consuming projects, eg. [5], have a junction called bsp.bst that is used to consume the support projects, eg. [6].

The "top level" elements that need to combine elements from both projects must refer to the elements form the junction-ed project via the junction, as noted above.

This leads to templates in the base project for use by other consuming projects, where the template has to refer to other elements in the original project by a junction name. This means that the template can not be used in the original project. The original project does not have a junction to itself.

The need for a reference consumer project to test the templates is not ideal.

## Call for feedback

How are other members of our community achieving similar things?

Are you interested in our examples? We would welcome general feedback on them given that they are "Proof of Concepts" focused on achieving shared "Top level" elements.

Do people think we have missed some tricks to make this easier? Do the community think we could make some of this easier? Is there appetite for something like a junction element that refers to the project that it is in, so template style elements can be tested more easily? or is there a alternative trick here?

Will Salmon

[1] https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-build-meta
[2] https://gitlab.com/freedesktop-sdk/freedesktop-sdk
[3] https://mail.gnome.org/archives/buildstream-list/2020-May/msg00013.html
[4] https://gitlab.com/celduin/crash/jetbot-system-bst/-/blob/master/project.conf#L51
[5] https://gitlab.com/celduin/bsps/example-app
[6] https://gitlab.com/celduin/bsps/pi-3b-plus-bsp

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