[BuildStream] Committer Policy

Hi all,

I've been meaning to submit a patch [0] to document the committer policy for a while now (and took an action at the irc meeting to do so), as it was proposed on this list [1] that we follow the Subversion policy [2].

My list of full committers is not complete as I don't have access to see who has the permissions on the protected branch (master) - I'll amend the MR though. Essentially this patch confirms that we are not following the 'one patch = commit access' rule that we introduced after GUADEC [3] and are instead applying discretion to each case.

I have some questions, though:

1) Since I've only focused on adding in the full commit access for now, how should we proceed with partial commit access? We'd need to agree on how to split up the codebase areas and who should be assigned partial access (see below for my suggestion of the potential split).

2) Do we really care about partial commit access? Things seem to be working well at the moment in reviews (my patch doesn't change anything, just documents the situation) and so maybe it's more hassle than it's worth? Also, we'd need to think about how to do the logistical separation of permissions between these different areas - I don't know is Gitlab is capable of this...I know it has the concept of codeowners [4].


[0] https://gitlab.com/BuildStream/buildstream/merge_requests/1415
[1] https://mail.gnome.org/archives/buildstream-list/2018-September/msg00044.html [2] http://subversion.apache.org/docs/community-guide/roles.html#committers [3] https://mail.gnome.org/archives/buildstream-list/2018-July/msg00017.html
[4] https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/code_owners.html

Suggestion of how to split codebase:

Partial committ access

Commit access for specific areas:

CAS: local cache
CAS: remote cache
Virtual Directory API
Remote Execution Client

Artifact cache
bst-artifact server
Artifact As A Proto

CLI / Frontend
Integration tests

YAML and loader

Sandboxing and platform backends

Plug-in loading / factory

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