[BuildStream] Some updates on BuildStream and gitlab Merge Requests


Two very quick updates related to merge requests:

1) WIP MRs are useful for review but create a lot of noise via notifications. I've looked into whether we can turn these off at the project level and we can't, but there's a similar ticket upstream asking to turn off all notifications at the project level, which i have commented on - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/50020 so let's see if we can push this along

2) Having so many MRs open on the project at any one time (as we do now) isn't ideal. With this in mind some of us have been going through the old MRs to close them off or put them into WIP, as per the text I'm trying to add to CONTRIBUTING (https://gitlab.com/BuildStream/buildstream/merge_requests/1171):

'As a general rule of thumb, after a month of no activity on a non-WIP MR, we'll put it back into WIP with a note to the submitter asking about what is planned next for the MR. Then after another month with no activity we'll close the MR off entirely with another note. In this way we are trying to ensure all of the
MRs in the backlog are relevant and up to date.'

We'll keep doing this to try to clean up the backlog, so apologies in advance for the noise there. FYI gitlab now let's you filter via WIP yes/no so you can just focus on the non-WIP MRs if you want.


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