[BuildStream] BuildStream Gathering 2019 discussion topic: 2019 events and Gatherings


this is the list of events I think we should consider for 2019. I have also added the potential dates we can 
use to plan  the Gatherings for next year. I am sure I left important events behind. This is why I  bring the 
list here in advance, so we can discuss off line and try to reach a conclusion during the f2f meeting.

Link to the slot: 

### Events for 2019

This is a list of events BuildStream should consider during 2019. I only know some of them. I have asked a 
couple of former colleagues and friends about the rest. I have favor those that take place in Europe.

#### DevOps / continuous delivery

* velocity <https://conferences.oreilly.com/velocity/vl-ny>
        * San Jose, CA, US. New York, NY, US. and London, UK
* pipeline.conf <https://pipelineconf.info/>
        * London in March
* DevOps days: <https://www.devopsdays.org/>
        * Per city. In UK there is one in Edinburgh.
* QCon <https://qconlondon.com/>
        * March 4th to 8th in London
* Jax <https://devops.jaxlondon.com/>
        * May 14 - 17 in London
* [GoTo](file:///home/toscalix/codethink/Notebooks/Notes/Home/ProjectBuildstream/GoTo.txt) conference 
        * Multi site
* Interop <https://www.interop.com/>
        * Las Vegas US, May
* Continuous Lifecycle <https://continuouslifecycle.london/>
        * London, UK in May
* [GlueCon](file:///home/toscalix/codethink/Notebooks/Notes/Home/ProjectBuildstream/GlueCon.txt) 
        * Colorado, US. May
* [DevOpsCon](file:///home/toscalix/codethink/Notebooks/Notes/Home/ProjectBuildstream/DevOpsCon.txt) 
        * Munich, DE December
* [DevOps](file:///home/toscalix/codethink/Notebooks/Notes/Home/ProjectBuildstream/DevOps.txt) Enterprise 
Summit <https://events.itrevolution.com/eur/>
        * Las Vegas, US in October and London, UK in June
* Fusion <https://sm-fusion.com/>
        * Missouri, US September
* IT Dev Connections <https://itdevconnections.com/dc18/Public/Enter.aspx>
        * Dallas, TX, October
* LISA <https://www.usenix.org/conference/lisa18>
        * Nashville, TN, October
* Gartner IT Operations Strategies & Solutions Summit 
        * May in Orlando, FL

#### Scalability

* dotscale <https://www.dotscale.io/>
        * Paris, FR. June
* Scale Summit <http://www.scalesummit.org/>
        * London, UK. March

#### Tools/corporate

* BazelCon
        * New York, NY, US. October
* Microsoft Ignite <https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/ignite>
        * Nov 2019 on Orlando, FL 2019
* [Chef Conf](file:///home/toscalix/codethink/Notebooks/Notes/Home/ProjectBuildstream/Chef_Conf.txt)
* Jenkins World
* Puppet Conf

#### General purpose events

* FOSDEM <https://fosdem.org>
        * Brussels, BE. February
* OSS EU and ELCE <https://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/elc-openiot-europe-2018/>
        * Oct-Nov Edinburgh
* TechXLR8 (Cload Dev Days) <https://tmt.knect365.com/cloud-devops-world/>
        * June 2019 in London
* OSS NA and ELCE <https://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/elc-openiot-north-america-2019/>
        * San Diego, CA. August
* Embedded World: <https://www.embedded-world.eu/home.html>
        * Nuremberg, GE. February
* GUADEC <https://2019.guadec.org/>
        * Thessaloniki, Greece. August

### BuildStream gatherings

In my opinion, these are the dates where most likely all remotes can get together in a single location 
without much disturbance of our agendas at the minimum cost.

* BuildStream Gathering 2019.a
        * Manchester, UK. Week 5
        * Prior to FOSDEM
* BuildStream Gathering 2019.b
        * Manchester/London, UK. Week 34
        * Prior to GUADEC
* BuildStream Gathering 2019.c
        * Manchester/London, UK. Week x (Autumn)
        * Prior to ELCE or a DevOps event in London.

Best Regards

Agustín Benito Bethencourt
Principal Consultant
Codethink Ltd
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