Re: Proposal for Remote Execution

On 25/04/18 12:54, Jürg Billeter wrote:
Proposed steps with additional details:
* Create abstract Directory class.
* Implement regular OS file system backend.
* Add get_virtual_directory() to Sandbox class returning a Directory object,
    still using regular OS file system backend for now.
* Add boolean class variable BST_VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY for Element plugins to
    indicate that they only use get_virtual_directory() instead of
    get_directory(). Add error to Sandbox class if get_directory() is used
    even though BST_VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY is set.
* Port users of Sandbox.get_directory() to get_virtual_directory():
    - Element class
    - ScriptElement class
    - Compose plugin
    - Import plugin
    - Stack plugin
How do you think we should put sources into this virtual file system
before the FUSE is implemented? Source plugins such as `tar` require a
directory to pass to the Python tarfile module, so we can either expose
the underlying file system directory to the plugin (not ideal) or use
tarfile to extract to a temporary directory and then copy/link it into
the virtual file system, which might be a performance penalty. Any thoughts?
My plan was to have the source plugin use a temporary directory and
then import the contents of that directory (in the future) into CAS
during the fetch job. With this there should be no additional overhead
during the build job. And later FUSE will reduce staging cost for the
build job.

I don't expect source plugins themselves to require any changes, this
should be handled by BuildStream core code.


Indeed, _stage_sources_at handles this temporary directory nicely. However, we won't be able to run any commands in the sandbox, and this includes integration commands used to stage dependencies, so I don't think we will be able to do much with them before the FUSE is implemented - unless you were planning to extract to a temporary directory to run each sandbox command, which seems impractical.


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