Rapicorn Release 13.03.0

Rapicorn 13.03.0 is available for download:


Rapicorn is a toolkit for rapid development of user interfaces for C++
and Python. The toolkit is currently in alpha development stage, where a
strong set of foundation technologies has already been established.

Everybody is invited to participate with ideas, code or wiki
contributions, and artwork (we still need a logo, and always need icons
and SVG themes).

The web pages and mailing list are found here:
  rapicorn googlegroups com

Rapicorn 13.03.0:       (2013-03-24)

* Added proper UTF-8 locale initialization and POSIX locale support.
* Extended mmap() support to full builtin resource loading subsystem.
* AIDA: The IDL compiler and infrastructure got renamed to AIDA.
* AIDA: Added support for IDL properties in C++ & Python.
* AIDA: Added support for IDL namespaces in Python.
* AIDA: Added rudimentary support for Any type in Python.
* AIDA: Support fully down_casted type returns in Python.
* AIDA: Added enum support to generated Python code.
* AIDA: Adapted IDL fundamental types to other projects.
* AIDA: Added sfidl features, include paths, enum expressions, streams, etc.
* AIDA: Enable self-contained modules via ORB message routing.
* AIDA: Merged client and server code for all non-interface types.
* Lists: Fixes and new support for clicks, key presses and seleciton modes.
* Added generic scroll event support to scroll ports.
* Added support for widget actiavetion via Space and Return.
* Added INI file support.
* Replaced signal system by more efficient C++11 signal system.
* Added asynchronous signals, which allow main loop driven signal emissions.
* Moved Rapicorn to using its own full fledged X11 backend.
* Many, many code cleanups and parallel build fixes.
* Added support for g++-4.7 and newer SSE CPU types.
* Added support for pseudo objects on widget selectors.
* Ported code base to C++11.
* Provide C++11 based threading system, including a lock-free ring buffer.
* Much improved support for debugging, error and warning messages.
* Lots of performance, memory use and layout improvements.
* Many bugs, locale and message fixes.
* Many documentation updates.

Yours sincerely,
Tim Janik

http://timj.testbit.eu/ - Free software Author

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