In your Home directory there is a ".config" directory, under which is a banshee directory.
if you download and install (under a deb just apt-get install -y sqlitebrowser), you can look at the dbs.
On 09/01/2016 11:19 PM, David Eagle wrote:
I am afraid I don't understand what you are saying. I am running Linux.
The music files are in ~home/Music/Unknown Artist/Unknown Album/01. Track 1*.mp3
I would like all of these files renamed to their correct song files, in their correct album directories. Do you know how to do this? It appears to be impossible to do this manually.
On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 10:56 PM, Pat Mower <pmower dslextreme com> wrote:
It is all in a data file under your home directory if you are using linux. Windows, No Clue. Should still be in a db.
On 09/01/2016 10:33 PM, mingovia wrote:
I imported my music CDs into Banshee. Many of the CDs were old, and did not
have metadata. So, the songs were put into "Unknown artist". I then added
the metadata by hand. I did this for about 100 CDs. Now, I find out that
this work I did failed to update the file names for all of these songs.
Belatedly, I found the option to update the file names when you manually
edit the metadata. But, even though I now have updated my preferences to do
this, it did not update all of the (thousands) of files that I already
manually edited. It looks like it will now work properly for any CDs I
import and manually edit in the future. But, this does not really help with
my current situation.
Is there any way to force Banshee to go back and change all of the
(thousands of) file names to match the metadata I have entered?
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