Re: [Banshee-List] list of all artists?

first find your banshee database.  In my system  it is /home/.config/banshee-1/banshee.db
it's a mysql database so it's pretty easy to access and get lists you want.

change into the directory of the database 
Create the following sql program and name it new.sql

SELECT coreartists.Name, coretracks.Title
FROM coreartists
INNER JOIN coretracks
ON coreartists.ArtistID = coretracks.ArtistID
ORDER BY coreartists.Name, coretracks.Title;

from the shell ($) type the following
sqlite3 banshee.db < new.sql | sort -f > alist.txt

the txt file should give you a very nice list sorted by artist and then title

---- Original Message ----
From: "Francois43" <f j h dols gmail com>
Sent: 3/29/2015 5:36:28 AM
To: banshee-list gnome org
Subject: [Banshee-List] list of all artists?


I need a list of all artists that are in my Banshee database. Does 
anyone know how to do that?
banshee-list mailing list
banshee-list gnome org  (unsubscribe here)



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