On 06/03/14 02:13, meeotch wrote:
> Two questions: First, I seem to be unable to create playlists on my 2nd gen
> Nano with banshee 2.6.1 on Linux Mint Petra, libgpod4 0.8.2-7ubuntu4.
> I can create them, and they show up under the device in banshee, and I can
> populate them (only with tracks that are already on the device, apparently)
> but they're not actually on the device when I eject it, and they don't show
> up in banshee when I plug it back in.
> 2) Using Ye Olde Amarok 1.4, I was able to do the following, and I'd like
> to recreate this workflow, or come up with something equally streamlined:
> a) create a smart playlist that picks songs not played in the last two
> months, and orders them randomly
> b) click on this playlist, and choose "sync to device", to get all of the
> songs AND the playlist transferred
> c) when I run out of songs on the ipod, re-connect it, choose "delete all",
> goto step b.
> I've gotten as far as creating the smart playlist in banshee - but it orders
> all the songs alphabetically, and it seems that I have to put them in the
> play queue in order to shuffle them. (Which is a bummer, if I happen to be
> listening to something.) Then I can drag the songs to the ipod, but not the
> playlist... Meaning that the shuffling was moot.
> ----------
> In case anyone's wondering: The problem with having no playlist is if rely
> on the ipod's shuffle feature, it "forgets" where it is in the list of songs
> if I plug it in to charge it, turn it off, etc. So I end up hearing
> duplicates when I start it up again. The beauty of the smart playlist is
> that I also used it for listening in amarok - so I basically had an
> uninterrupted shuffle of all my music, both at home and on the road, that
> would track plays and not repeat songs. In the past 8 or so years, I've
> barely ever even searched for a particular album. The music was just On or
> it was Off. Then my (six year old Ubuntu Hardy based) system drive crapped
> out.
> (I'm sort of surprised, given all of this was working in Y.O.Amarok in like
> 2006, that ipod compatibility for old models like mine isn't a solved
> problem for all linux players by now. Clementine, for instance, doesn't
> have ipod playlist functionality at all - and banshee's transfer speed to my
> 'pod is suuuuper slow.)
Hi Meeotch,
I've never used LinuxMint but I think it's Ubuntu/Debian-based right?
This problem reminds me of this bug I found some time ago:
It turns out in the end we had to close it as NOT-GNOME because it
wasn't Banshee culprit, it was a packaging bug.
Please make sure you have an updated version of the package that
includes this fix, and if you still experience the issue after that,
file a bug:
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