Re: [Banshee-List] Import Media By Date Added (Most Recently)

On 03/04/14 00:34, morick wrote:
I understand how to sort my music by Date Added after importing my music. The
problem is when I import my music collection it doesn't import it by the
Date Added, if that makes sense

Date Added to what, to the file system?

, meaning oldest music file to the
newest/most recent file. Instead Banshee just imports my music randomly
without any organization.

What we need to frame here is what you mean by "oldest". What OS are you
using? In Linux/ext4 as far as I understand, a file has two date
records: last accessed, and last modified (not sure about other OSs or
other filesystems). I'm guessing the closest to what you're looking for
is "last modified", but there is a problem with this: if you modify your
file to edit the tags, or to add an embedded rating, then you've screwed
your sorting.

Other than that, I guess it's a valid feature request, and you could
request it here:

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