If you want it really simple, then you need to look for a pre-made package for Mint. I believe (but I'm not sure) that Ubuntu packages should work.
Ubuntu has a system called "PPAs" (personal package archives), which are repositories of extra packages that are unofficial and maintained by individuals or groups and made freely available. You shouldn't just trust all PPAs, as people could build malicious software in them, but Ubuntu did have a known repository for "current" versions of Banshee that are more up to date than those in the main repositories, which was recommended by the community.
Unfortunately, I use opensuse, so I can't help with anything more specific. I wouldn't recommend building from source, though, as it is messy and not newbie friendly. I'm a developer, I've patched bits of Banshee, and even I fight each time I have to rebuild my Banshee build environment.
On Mar 1, 2013 11:57 AM, "Dick Parker" <merryoakparker yahoo com> wrote:
> Any help and advice would be appreciated. I am switching from Windows XP SP3 to Linux Mint Debian Edition. The latest Banshee in their repository is Banshee 2.4.1. As a noobie to both Linux and especially to Banshee, I would appreciate some step by step help in upgrading to 2.6; downloading and installing it. Remember, I'm really a noobie and please keep it really simple for me. ie: assume I know nothing. Use the KISS principle (Keep It Simple for Stupid!!)
> Thanks,
> tlcmd (aka Dick)
> Show me something more beautiful than a beautiful girl, and then I'll go paint it." Alberto Vargas
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