Re: [Banshee-List] MP4 videos - not supported?

Where did you get the file from? Which version of Banshee are you using?
Which GStreamer packages have you installed? Can you play the file in
anything else? (Totem? VLC?)

Based on the Wikipedia page about MP4 [1] then it could be a DRMed file,
at which point you're out of luck and Banshee won't be able to play it.
If it isn't DRMed then Banshee relies on GStreamer to provide its audio
and video decoding capabilities. If GStreamer handles it then Banshee
can handle it. GStreamer on Linux is often broken up into separate
packages - at least "good" (FOSS-friendly codecs), "bad"
(FOSS-unfriendly codecs) and "ugly" (messy or bodged codecs) plus
sometimes others.


On 18/07/13 13:09, stevekrupa wrote:

I have recently tried banshee for playing videos and have found that I
cannot import MP4 videos (.mp4 extension, H264 M-PEG4 video encoding, M-PEG3
audio). The file is greyed out when an attempt is made to import it. I do
not have this problem with other video formats such as XVID.

Does banshee not support MP4 video, and if not when will this be added?


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