Re: [Banshee-List] (no subject)

Hello Jacob,

Could you please tell us what kind of ipod you have? Is it all songs or just certain songs, meaning are some songs successful or are all songs not getting copied over? Do you manage your ipod entirely with Banshee or do you use both iTunes and Banshee together? Which OS are you using?

In short, could you please provide more information? If there is an existing bug that matches your situation please attach a debug log (directions here: to it, along with your system and ipod information, to help us troubleshoot. If there is no bug that matches your situation please file a new one (directions here: so we can investigate.

Please also note that not all ipods completely work on libgpod, which is the backend library that Banshee (and Rhythmbox, and a few others) use to interact with Apple products. Some newer Apple products are not yet fully supported.


On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 8:19 PM, Jacob Drmay <jacobdrmay gmail com> wrote:
my ipod is syncronizing but some songs still are not showing on the ipod, using banshee 2.41, I know this bug has been reported, but its not fixed it seems, help?????????

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