Re: [Banshee-List] Native file open dialogs, feedback needed

On 16/07/12 22:05, Bertrand Lorentz wrote:
On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 8:30 PM, gnomeuser gmail com <gnomeuser gmail com> wrote:
2012/7/6 Timo Dörr <timo latecrew de>:
Yes, I think (3) is the best approach, too. Just figured no matter what
approach, other dialogs that derive/depend on FileChooserDialog exist
(ImageChooserDialog, PlaylistExportDialog etc.). There will be larger code
moves from Banshee.Gui.* to the platform specific backends. Maybe introduce
a subfolder in Banshee.Osx/Gui and Banshee.Windows/Gui ?
It is starting to feel like we might want to do just that, however I
think that is up to Bertrand to decide, him being our fearless leader
and all.
Sorry it took so long for me to respond. I seem to have trouble
keeping up with Banshee stuff these days.

I agree that, if we want to have native file selection dialogs, option
3 would be the best way to go. But I'm not sure we should have native
file selection dialogs.

Using the GTK dialog means it's not consistent with other apps on OS X
or Windows, but at least Banshee is consistent with itself. I guess a
native file dialog would look different from all dialogs in Banshee:
theme, buttons, icons, etc. Wouldn't that be weird, like the file
dialog doesn't belong with Banshee ?
I'm also wondering about how the various features of the GTK file
chooser dialog would be "translated" into the native dialog: the
action (open, save, select folder, create folder), the shortcuts, the
file filters (see ImageFileChooserDialog), adding an extra widget in
the dialog (see PlaylistExportDialog), maybe some other stuff I'm
forgetting, and not counting the different API semantics between

If we use the native OSX file selection dialog, would this bring other
benefits than cross-OS consistency ? Thinking about the Windows file
dialog, which I'm more familiar with, I can't see anything other it
would bring.
Related question: Does MonoDevelop use the native file dialog on OS X
? On Windows, it uses the GTK dialog.

Then finally, using native file dialogs would be our first step away
from using GTK for all UI stuff, and towards having platform specific
UI. But maybe that's just me being old and afraid of change :)

So I'd be happy to hear more about this, and maybe be convinced to
change my mind...
I concur with this point of view.

I think moving to platform specific UI is not a bad move, just that seems too large for the size of our community right now. And having a mixed thing doesn't sound very very consistent (I would go for either "all" or "nothing").
And if some day we go for the "all", wouldn't it make more sense to use 
a library that abstracts the UI instead of abstracting it ourselves? 
(Think XWT)

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