[Banshee-List] windows build


I try to generate the windows build.
Fist, I have to fix some reference in project file:
Hyena.Data.Sqlite & Mono.Addins was missing as reference in Banshee.OpticalDisc.csproj.

After that, it compile but the generation of installer do not work.

c:\banshee\build\windows\InstallerDefinition.wxs(43): error LGHT0094: Unresolved reference to symbol 'File:Nereid.exe' in section 'Product:*'. [C:\banshee\build\windows\Installer.wixproj]

in wixproj file I have in line 43 :
<CustomAction Id="StartAppOnExit" FileKey="Nereid.exe" ExeCommand="" Execute="immediate" Impersonate="yes" Return="asyncNoWait" />

Does someone know what I need to do to fix that? Google help me a little but do not understood the point. 

Olivier Dufour

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