Re: [Banshee-List] How was my banshee broken?

2011/10/7 jurur <projectpark gmail com>:
> I found out that nor "rhythmbox" nor "amarok" keep the system awake tha same
> (so banshee isn't broken:)
> I have to say that I do have the "power inhibit applet" and i use it, and
> it's very good for films but not for music as it disables screensaver and
> screen sleep mode (electricity/screen life). Also there is very handy and
> automatic "caffeine" but it has same issue with screens.
> could there be a preference for it in banshee settings or would it have to
> be a setting of the gnome-power-manager to watch out for media playing?
>  on launchpad i've been directed to brainstorm.ubuntu
> should system watch for media being played and disabling
> suspension-hybernation only?
> what do you think?

I believe we already are supposed to inhibit suspend when Banshee is
playing. Perhaps this is a bug in g-p-m. At least it sounds like it
should be investigated. Since the problem is apparent in other media
players I would suggest filing a bug against g-p-m in Ubuntu.

- David

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