Re: [Banshee-List] 2.4.0 "grunt" work.


I'll see if I can find something to do. I'd prefer it if someone would drop me an email 
with some specific tasks they'd want done -- banshee isn't a small project and it'd be 
useful to have an entry point into what I'm doing. At least at first... Once I've got a 
better idea of how it all fits together I'd be more confident to messing around doing 
stuff I want to do, but at the moment I don't know what parts of the source serves
what purpose.

I'll have a look at reviewing that patch too. Could you post a link to where specifically
I can find it?

Thomas Stephenson
ovangle gmail com

On 3 November 2011 06:12, gnomeuser gmail com <gnomeuser gmail com> wrote:
2011/11/2 tjoen <tjoen dds nl>:
> On Wed, 2011-11-02 at 14:51 -0200, gnomeuser gmail com wrote:
>> 2011/11/2 Thomas Stephenson <ovangle gmail com>:
>> > Looking at the roadmap, I think the area I'd be most interested in is Gnome
>> > 3 integration, but again
>> > I don't know where to start -- what has been done, what needs to be done
>> > etc.. I've been using
>> > Gnome 3 for awhile (because it's better than unity and apart from some
>> > personal gripes (re: compiz)
>> > it's also an improvement on Gnome 2) and it'd be a good chance to get my
>> > head around that at the
>> > same time as getting my head around the banshee code.
>> The GNOME3 integration sounds like a good place to start, I can't
>> recall anyone working on it yet and it would be great to have in
>> 2.4.0. Another great way to get into Banshee would be to review
>> Oliviers TV Show and Video improvements, getting those in a mergeable
>> state would be fantastic as well.
> My impression is that support for *-sharp had been dropped in GNOME3

Not at all, in fact theory deems that GNOME3 is more # friendly than
ever thanks to GObject-Introspection. However that specific bit of
technology needs adjustment to be suitable for creating bindings for
environments such as Java and .NET.

So as always you'd have to create bindings first but nothing has
changed to suddenly make the world a worse place.
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