On 21 May 2011 23:16, olivier dufour <
olivier duff gmail com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I think this is a small part of an iceberg that we face off.
> The main issue is that banshee (as a lot of other open source project) lakes
> of maintainers.
> Aaron have new job and is not anymore full time on banshee.
> So Gabriel is the only one who have a full time job on banshee and he can
> not manage all by himself.
> I know that there is other maintainer but they have not enough time to
> manage all the patch. Everybody have a real life out there which take a lot
> of time.
> So to save time to Gabriel (& other maintainers), I think to 2 things to
> help on that :
> 1) include other maintainers smoothly (I see very skilled devs out there:
> Alex, Alan, ...) who can help Gabriel in the task of reviewing patch and
> include them on git and common if a developer commit a bad patch we can
> revert. git is here for that !
> 2) Create an unstable/lab git fork where we have more commiters which can
> add patch reviewed by them.
> For big refactor (gtk3, gst#, ...) we can have dedicated branch in it. So
> every body can share code on it.
> With a build bot we can provide a build for advance users to test and
> provide feedback.
> After that, main maintainer can cherry pick good commit or revert bad ones.
> The gitorious banshee community extension (bce) project is great
> for extensions but we can not share patch on the core on it.
> PS: do not take this mail a critic against management of the project but as
> a research to help project to have better organisation to avoid a such
> quantity of patch unreviewed.
> If you have other/better ideas to improve organisation, you are welcome.
> Olivier Dufour
> On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 2:53 PM, Michael Martin-Smucker
> <
mlmartin13 gmail com> wrote:
>>> ... This finally motivate me to go through all unreviewed patches,
>>> analyse their current state and compile the following report to help
>>> get those "almost-there" issues to make their final steps.
>> Wow, that was no small task! It's great that you put so much effort into
>> it -- hopefully it helps the process along.
>>> * This is a controversial patch that needs a maintainer's decision
>>> and/or a last review/commit. (I like it)
>>> [
>>> Type ahead activation without requiring '?' key press (Normal /
>>> enhancement)
>>> --> [
>>> (348 days) Type ahead activation without requiring '?' key press
>> I went ahead and marked this one 'needs-work.' Personally I love the
>> behavior in the patch, but I doubt maintainers will accept it without at
>> least a preference option to use Banshee's regular keyboard shortcuts.
>> Also, it doesn't seem to apply to master anymore.
>> Michael
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