Re: [Banshee-List] Report on pending patches Issue 01/2011

... This finally motivate me to go through all unreviewed patches,
analyse their current state and compile the following report to help
get those "almost-there" issues to make their final steps.

Wow, that was no small task!  It's great that you put so much effort into it -- hopefully it helps the process along.
* This is a controversial patch that needs a maintainer's decision
and/or a last review/commit. (I like it)
Type ahead activation without requiring '?' key press (Normal / enhancement)
--> []
(348 days) Type ahead activation without requiring '?' key press

I went ahead and marked this one 'needs-work.'  Personally I love the behavior in the patch, but I doubt maintainers will accept it without at least a preference option to use Banshee's regular keyboard shortcuts.  Also, it doesn't seem to apply to master anymore.


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