Re: [Banshee-List] Scoring question

That's most likely a bug and may need looked into. I believe my original intention was to have skip and played be two distinct values. You either played the song or you skipped it. If you skipped it the score was adjusted proportionally down and vice versa if you played it. This was written quite some time ago though so I can't be sure and my current job doesn't leave me a whole lot of time for coding so if I have time I will look into it however if someone wants to pick up the ball feel free.

On May 10, 2011 11:58 AM, "Freddy-N" <freddy-neumann arcor de> wrote:
> @Brian Lucas-3
> Banshee has a crazy implementation of calculating score values - or it is a
> bug.
> 1. Playing a song less than 50% of it's length results in PlayCount=0
> because of rounding.
> 2. Stopping a song before end yields an initial PlayCount which is
> calculated from it's procentual played length. When playing stopps at x% of
> it's length then PlayCount=x.
> This behavior has some strange side effects.
> When file loading stucks then Banshee sets PlayCount to a very small value
> (~1) and takes the next song.
> When gapless playing is enabled then playing is aborted often just before
> end and PlayCount is set to ~99.
> Both "features" together could yield PlayCount=0 and SkipCount=1.
> Typing "playcount=0 skipcount>0" in Banshee's query field shows a lot of
> songs on my computer with PlayCount=0, SkipCount=1 and a Score below 50.
> BTW: The SQL code from isaaclw corrects this problem...
> @isaaclw
> The same SQL code is used by Banshee to migrate databases. The code works
> also with 'sqlite3' in a terminal.
> --
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