On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 8:58 AM, Donagh Horgan <
donagh horgan gmail com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to create a script to sort all my albums by year, so that they
> are displayed in chronological order on my iPod. Previously, when I used
> iTunes to manage my iPod, I used a script (created by
wildmaiden gmail com)
> that set the Sort Album field of each track to a string in the format "Year
> AlbumTitle". Thus, on my iPod, each artist's albums are displayed in the
> order they were released, rather than in the standard alphabetical order
> (I'm a bit of a pedant when it comes to these things...).
> I've created a Perl script to perform the same operation in Banshee, but
> I've hit a snag: after the TitleSort fields have been changed in the
> database, I start Banshee and, within a few minutes, the database has
> reverted to the values present before I ran the script. So, for example,
> with David Bowie's Low, the script will change the TitleSort field for each
> track to "1977 Low". I can see this change in the database after running the
> script, and initially after I start Banshee. However, after a few minutes,
> the Album Sort field will have reverted to whatever value had been there
> previously (in this case, to a blank field, but for other tracks, then to
> whatever string value was present before running the script).
> I suspect this behaviour is to do with the relationship between the
> TitleSort and TitleSortKey fields in the CoreAlbums table of the Banshee
> database. Can anyone confirm this and, if so, explain the relationship?
> Many thanks,
> Donagh Horgan