Re: [Banshee-List] Last FM


On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 12:00 AM, eipapp <eipapp6 gmail com> wrote:
> I can't seem to be able to play Last FM within Banshee. With Rhythmbox, no
> problem but Banshee no go.
> In Ryhthmbox when I click on Last FM in the Library pane it tunes in the
> station I select then it gives me a list of at least 6 songs with title,
> artist, album, etc. I click on play, sit back and enjoy. Not so with
> Banshee.
> How can I resolve this issue ? What am I missing ? Why does what system work
> so easy and seamless and the other (Banshee) not at all. Any help would be
> appreciated.

I guess you're not a paying subscriber ?
If you're not, then you're not doing anything wrong, that's the way
it's supposed to work :

More details here :

Bertrand Lorentz

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