Re: [Banshee-List] Ubuntu's got 1.7.5

Me and my big mouth. 1.7.5's only in Synaptic because I must've configured some settings to make it that way.

With all due respect to the hard work of the gentlemen that have worked to make Banshee simply doesn't work for me.

- no radio like shoutcast- Radiofetcher loads from Synaptic but doesn't appear in Extensions.
- Podcast duplicate themselves (doubles of all podcasts)
- no Alarm clock

There has to be something really wrong with my system because at this point Banshee isn't doing much of what it's supposed to do.

Save me from iTunes!

On 10-09-16 09:13 AM, Jensen Somers wrote:

2010/9/16 "Andrés G. Aragoneses"<knocte gmail com>:
El 15/09/10 19:20, Glinx escribió:

knocte wrote:
El 15/09/10 05:39, Michael Martin-Smucker escribió:
I would guess that there's no harm in trying, as long as you have
backups of any media that may already be on the device.  If you want to
wait for more concrete answers than my "it works for me!" response,
that's definitely understandable, especially when hardware is concerned.
To add to Michael and Alan's comments:
- Check if the addin "AppleDevice" is enabled. If it is, you're using
the new libgpod addin.
- If "AppleDevice" is not enabled, then you're using the deprecated
library and only iPod support (no support for iPodTouch or iPhones). In
this case, I would recommend you to choose one of this 3 options:
a) Wait until Banshee's Ubuntu repo packages AppleDevice extension.
b) Wait until 1.7.6 release which is due today, and wait until Banshee's
Ubuntu repo packages this version.
c) Use Banshee 1.7.3.

The reason for (b) and (c) is about a bug I accidentally introduced in
1.7.4 which will be fixed in 1.7.6 (it's not that the bug breaks iPod
support, but it makes it much less efficient time-wise and it doesn't
report the user when it's finished, so the user may disconnect the iPod
too soon).




I've been trying to get my ipod touch to work with 1.7.5
Music seems to work/sync fine. But how do I transfer videos etc back and
forth to the ipod touch?

Glad to hear it's working, kudos to alan, lamalex, teuf and other guys
that helped on this.

If videos sync is not working, please file a bug.

There's already a bug and applicable patch available at However, it's
currently blocked by a podcast playlist issue. If you don't use
podcasts you should be able to apply the patch and test it.



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