It probably has fixed it. I've heard no reports of this bug.
On 15 Sep 2010 17:17, "Daniel Caleb" <nix tek12 com> wrote:On 09/15/2010 07:16 AM, "Andrés G. Aragoneses" wrote:
I recently tried using Banshee 1.7.4 again, since 1.6.2 or something to
> To add to Michael and Alan's comments:
> - C...
that effect. I also attempted to sync my 80GB iPod Classic with it as
well. The problem I ran into was that I ended with an "other" section
that ate all the free space on my device. I remember there being a bug
in earlier versions of Banshee with the artwork - I didn't delve to
deeply into what was going on in this instance and due to time
constraints I went back to gtkpod to manage my ipod.
Has the issue with bloated artwork dbs been resolved as well? I know it
had to do with the underlying toolkit that Banshee was using, so perhaps
the movement to libgpod has resolved this.
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