Re: [Banshee-List] How to list albums with YEAR

On Monday 03,May,2010 04:39 PM, Artiom Neganov wrote:
> Hello,
> In the search of good media player, I try banshee.
> Already tried
> 1) Amarok, which doesn't play music (some bug in my Alsa/PA setup?)
> and toooo huge.
> 2) mocp - I was using it for many years, but it doesn't like PA and
> crashes tens times a day
> 3) Rhythmbox - I don't know who was developing its UI, but its the
> worst ever seen. I have my files, my music library organized by my
> way, like I want, its not possible to find Artist/Album/Year everytime
> and, which is most imporant, collections should no be splitted.
> Now I come to banshee. The first question is - how can I list albums
> by year? I got discpgraphy of a group and now want to listen to it,
> year by year, album by album, seeing how band grows. I can only change
> columns, and there is one - YEAR, but I want albums listed by year
> too. How can I do this?

I don't really understand what you mean. Do you mean you want to sort by year?
Then clicking on the "Year" column should do that. Otherwise, if you mean that
you want to filter by year, then you could do something like year>2005 or
something in the search textbox?

> And, not related to banshee question - folks, is there a player on
> Linux like foobar2000, the BEST player ever?

The BEST player ever, in my book, is Banshee.

Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin

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