[Banshee-List] How to list albums with YEAR


In the search of good media player, I try banshee.
Already tried
1) Amarok, which doesn't play music (some bug in my Alsa/PA setup?)
and toooo huge.
2) mocp - I was using it for many years, but it doesn't like PA and
crashes tens times a day
3) Rhythmbox - I don't know who was developing its UI, but its the
worst ever seen. I have my files, my music library organized by my
way, like I want, its not possible to find Artist/Album/Year everytime
and, which is most imporant, collections should no be splitted.

Now I come to banshee. The first question is - how can I list albums
by year? I got discpgraphy of a group and now want to listen to it,
year by year, album by album, seeing how band grows. I can only change
columns, and there is one - YEAR, but I want albums listed by year
too. How can I do this?

And, not related to banshee question - folks, is there a player on
Linux like foobar2000, the BEST player ever?

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