Re: [Banshee-List] ANNOUNCE: Banshee 1.5.3 Released!

On Monday 01,February,2010 02:02 AM, precipitous wrote:
> When I try to install the latest lyric plugin builc from the svn trunk, I get
> the following error during the "Make" step:
> ./Banshee.Lyrics.Sources/Lyrc.cs(78,33): error CS0433: The imported type
> `System.Web.HttpUtility' is defined multiple times
> Does anyone know how to resolve this? I really miss being able to use this
> extension.

Apply the following patch, and then start from again.

Index: bansheelyricsplugin/src/
--- bansheelyricsplugin.orig/src/    2010-01-29 10:09:52.519690885 +0800
+++ bansheelyricsplugin/src/ 2010-01-29 10:10:50.897777837 +0800
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ASSEMBLY = Banshee.Lyrics.dll
 TARGET = library
-MCS_FLAGS = -debug /r:System.Web
+MCS_FLAGS = -debug
 ASSEMBLY_COMPILER_FLAGS =  -noconfig -codepage:utf8 -warn:4 -optimize+ -debug
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@

-       System.Web \
        System.Web.Services \
        System.Xml \
        $(WEBKIT_SHARP_LIBS) \

Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin

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