Re: [Banshee-List] ClutterFlow 0.3.5
- From: zekopeko <zekopeko gmail com>
- To: banshee-list gnome org
- Subject: Re: [Banshee-List] ClutterFlow 0.3.5
- Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 15:27:41 +0100
Still doesn't work. I get this and it just hangs. No crashes but the
window gets painted grey as either busy or hanging. Btw I don't know
if it matters but I'm using Globalmenu. And I would disable it but
they removed that option in the latest release so I'm a little
$ banshee --debug
** Running Mono with --debug **
[Info 15:24:58.294] Running Banshee 1.5.3: [Ubuntu 9.10 7585ceb
(linux-gnu, i486) @ 2010-01-19 16:35:28 UTC]
(/usr/lib/banshee-1/Banshee.exe:4357): GLib-WARNING **:
g_set_prgname() called multiple times
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "gnomenu-panel": cannot open shared object file: No such file or
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "globalmenu-gnome": cannot open shared object file: No such file
or directory
[Debug 15:24:59.400] Bus.Session.RequestName
('org.bansheeproject.Banshee') replied with PrimaryOwner
[Debug 15:24:59.410] Core service started (DBusServiceManager, 0.00199s)
[Debug 15:24:59.412] Registering remote object
(Banshee.ServiceStack.DBusCommandService) on
[Debug 15:24:59.420] Core service started (DBusCommandService, 0.00965s)
[Debug 15:24:59.503] Opened SQLite connection to
[Debug 15:24:59.503] Core service started (DbConnection, 0.083682s)
[Debug 15:24:59.506] Database version 37 is up to date
[Debug 15:24:59.525] Core service started (PreferenceService, 0.005955s)
[Debug 15:24:59.526] Registering remote object
(Banshee.Sources.SourceManager) on org.bansheeproject.Banshee
[Debug 15:24:59.526] Core service started (SourceManager, 0.000579s)
[Debug 15:24:59.526] Core service started (MediaProfileManager, 0.000173s)
[Debug 15:24:59.527] Registering remote object
(Banshee.MediaEngine.PlayerEngineService) on
[Debug 15:24:59.528] Core service started (PlayerEngine, 0.001905s)
[Debug 15:24:59.533] Configuration client extension loaded
[Debug 15:24:59.540] Using default gconf-base-key
[Debug 15:24:59.574] IO provider extension loaded (Banshee.IO.Unix.Provider)
[Debug 15:24:59.588] Core service started (TranscoderService, 0.017324s)
[Debug 15:24:59.592] Registering remote object
(Banshee.PlaybackController.PlaybackControllerService) on
[Debug 15:24:59.592] Core service started (PlaybackController, 0.00323s)
[Debug 15:24:59.593] Core service started (ImportSourceManager, 0.000717s)
[Debug 15:24:59.601] Core service started (LibraryImportManager, 0.008167s)
[Debug 15:24:59.604] Core service started (JobScheduler, 0.002561s)
[Debug 15:24:59.620] Core service started (HardwareManager, 0.016032s)
[Debug 15:24:59.631] Bus.Session.RequestName
('org.bansheeproject.CollectionIndexer') replied with PrimaryOwner
[Debug 15:24:59.632] Registering remote object
(Banshee.Collection.Indexer.CollectionIndexerService) on
[Debug 15:24:59.633] Core service started (CollectionIndexerService, 0.01249s)
[Debug 15:24:59.634] Core service started (SaveMetadataService, 0.0012s)
[Debug 15:24:59.651] Adding icon theme search path: /usr/share/banshee-1/icons
[Debug 15:24:59.651] Core service started (GtkElementsService, 0.017387s)
[Debug 15:24:59.653] Core service started (InterfaceActionService, 0.001125s)
[Debug 15:24:59.711] Album artwork path set to /home/zekopeko/.cache/album-art
[Debug 15:24:59.723] Core service started (ArtworkManager, 0.012097s)
[Debug 15:24:59.953] Adding context page lastfm-recommendations
[Debug 15:25:00.225] Registering remote object
/org/bansheeproject/Banshee/ClientWindow (Nereid.PlayerInterface) on
[Debug 15:25:00.225] Core service started (NereidPlayerInterface, 0.502612s)
[Debug 15:25:00.468] Extension service started (GStreamerCoreService, 0.242458s)
[Debug 15:25:00.475] Extension service started (BpmService, 0.006891s)
[Debug 15:25:00.484] Using GNOME 2.22 API for Multimedia Keys
[Debug 15:25:00.484] Extension service started (MultimediaKeysService,
[Debug 15:25:00.618] Extension service started (PodcastService, 0.133597s)
[Debug 15:25:00.619] Extension service started (DapService, 0.000579s)
[Debug 15:25:00.620] Extension service started (DaapService, 0.001104s)
[Debug 15:25:00.622] Refreshing any podcasts that haven't been updated
in over an hour
[Debug 15:25:00.623] Extension service started (GnomeService, 0.00361s)
[Debug 15:25:00.703] Core service started (Network, 0.004733s)
[Debug 15:25:00.703] Audioscrobbler state: connected
[Debug 15:25:00.706] Extension service started (AudioscrobblerService,
Domain: 'Gtk' Level: Critical
Message: gtk_container_child_set_property: assertion `child->parent ==
GTK_WIDGET (container)' failed
Trace follows:
at GLib.Log.PrintTraceLogFunction(System.String domain,
LogLevelFlags level, System.String message)
at Gtk.Container.gtk_container_child_set_property(IntPtr , IntPtr ,
IntPtr , IntPtr )
at Gtk.Container.ChildSetProperty(Gtk.Widget child, System.String
property_name, Value value)
at Gtk.Box+BoxChild.set_Position(Int32 value)
at Banshee.Lyrics.Gui.LyricsWindow.Build()
at Banshee.Lyrics.Gui.LyricsWindow..ctor()
at Banshee.Lyrics.LyricsService..ctor()
at System.Reflection.MonoCMethod.InternalInvoke(System.Object ,
System.Object[] , System.Exception ByRef )
at System.Reflection.MonoCMethod.Invoke(System.Object obj,
BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder,
System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
at System.Reflection.MonoCMethod.Invoke(BindingFlags invokeAttr,
System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters,
System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
at System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo.Invoke(System.Object[] parameters)
at System.Activator.CreateInstance(System.Type type, Boolean nonPublic)
at System.Activator.CreateInstance(System.Type type)
at Mono.Addins.TypeExtensionNode.CreateInstance()
at Mono.Addins.InstanceExtensionNode.CreateInstance(System.Type expectedType)
at Banshee.ServiceStack.ServiceManager.StartExtension(Mono.Addins.TypeExtensionNode
at Banshee.ServiceStack.ServiceManager.Run()
at Banshee.ServiceStack.Application.Run()
at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Initialize(Boolean registerCommonServices)
at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient..ctor(Boolean initializeDefault,
System.String defaultIconName)
at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient..ctor()
at Nereid.Client..ctor()
at System.Reflection.MonoCMethod.InternalInvoke(System.Object ,
System.Object[] , System.Exception ByRef )
at System.Reflection.MonoCMethod.Invoke(System.Object obj,
BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder,
System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
at System.Reflection.MonoCMethod.Invoke(BindingFlags invokeAttr,
System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters,
System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
at System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo.Invoke(System.Object[] parameters)
at System.Activator.CreateInstance(System.Type type, Boolean nonPublic)
at System.Activator.CreateInstance(System.Type type)
at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Startup()
at Hyena.Gui.CleanRoomStartup.Startup(Hyena.Gui.StartupInvocationHandler
at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Startup()
at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Startup(System.String[] args)
at Nereid.Client.Main(System.String[] args)
at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(System.Reflection.Assembly ,
System.String[] )
at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssemblyInternal(System.Reflection.Assembly
a, System.String[] args)
at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(System.String assemblyFile,
System.Security.Policy.Evidence assemblySecurity, System.String[]
at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(System.String assemblyFile)
at Booter.Booter.BootClient(System.String clientName)
at Booter.Booter.Main()
[Debug 15:25:00.741] Extension service started (LyricsService, 0.035292s)
[Debug 15:25:00.752] Extension service started (BookmarksService, 0.010464s)
[Debug 15:25:00.753] Extension service started (CoverArtService, 0.001203s)
[Debug 15:25:00.754] Extension service started (MiniModeService, 0.001525s)
[Debug 15:25:00.799] Extension service started (AudioCdService, 0.044714s)
[Debug 15:25:00.813] Extension service started (ClutterFlowService, 0.013493s)
[Info 15:25:00.813] All services are started 1.412713s
[Info 15:25:01.010] ArtworkLookup created!!
(/usr/lib/banshee-1/Banshee.exe:4357): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **:
g_object_remove_toggle_ref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
(/usr/lib/banshee-1/Banshee.exe:4357): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **:
g_object_remove_toggle_ref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
(/usr/lib/banshee-1/Banshee.exe:4357): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **:
g_object_remove_toggle_ref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
(/usr/lib/banshee-1/Banshee.exe:4357): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **:
g_object_remove_toggle_ref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
(/usr/lib/banshee-1/Banshee.exe:4357): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **:
g_object_remove_toggle_ref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
(/usr/lib/banshee-1/Banshee.exe:4357): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **:
g_object_remove_toggle_ref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
[Debug 15:25:01.076] Loaded IScreensaverManager:
Loading Covers
Loading Covers
On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 4:22 PM, Mathijs Dumon <mathijsken hotmail com> wrote:
> Thanks for the heads-up,
> I've comitted a fix, you can get the binaries here:
> I had the PPA & the dailies enabled, but PPA has a more 'recent' version
> which is in fact not more recent... strange. So, I upgraded by downgrading
> :p and fixed the issue (minor really)
> regards,
> Mathijs
>> From: zekopeko gmail com
>> Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 15:41:31 +0100
>> To: banshee-list gnome org
>> Subject: Re: [Banshee-List] ClutterFlow 0.3.5
>> Yup I'm using it from git master. Well the daily PPA to be exact.
>> On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 7:57 AM, Bertrand Lorentz
>> <bertrand lorentz gmail com> wrote:
>> > On Tue, 2010-01-19 at 00:52 +0100, zekopeko wrote:
>> >> Just had a crash (this is from the little output window that pops up
>> >> for a few seconds before Banshee crashes):
>> >>
>> >> An unhandled exception was thrown: Could not load type
>> >> 'Banshee.Base.ApplicationContext' from assembly 'Banshee.ClutterFlow'.
>> >>
>> >> at Banshee.ClutterFlow.ClutterFlowContents.SetupMainView () [0x00000]
>> >> at Banshee.ClutterFlow.ClutterFlowContents.InitializeViews ()
>> >> [0x00000]
>> >> at Banshee.ClutterFlow.ClutterFlowContents..ctor () [0x00000]
>> >
>> > I guess you're running Banshee from git master or from the daily ppa ?
>> >
>> > This problem is caused by recent changes in Banshee : some stuff was
>> > moved from the Banshee.* namespace to Hyena. See this commit for
>> > details :
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > I guess other external extensions might be impacted by these changes, so
>> > this is a heads up to both extension authors and users running Banshee
>> > from git master or daily builds.
>> >
>> > --
>> > Bertrand Lorentz <bertrand lorentz gmail com>
>> >> <
>> >
>> > _______________________________________________
>> > banshee-list mailing list
>> > banshee-list gnome org
>> >
>> >
>> >
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>> banshee-list gnome org
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