Re: [Banshee-List] Multiple instances of banshee

On Sun, 2010-01-17 at 16:32 +0100, Torsten Andre wrote:
> Bertrand Lorentz schrieb:
> > On Sun, 2010-01-17 at 15:24 +0100, Torsten Andre wrote:
> >> Hi everyone,
> >>
> >> I wanted to write a script to be able to handle banshee from the command
> >> line and noticed that whenever I query some information from banshee, a
> >> new banshee instance is started. Therefore, it is impossible to query
> >> any information using the command line. If I'm not mistaken, this
> >> behavior is new. If I recall correctly, when I first installed banshee
> >> some time ago, I was able to query for the current track or whatever.
> >>
> >> Beneath I posted the output when starting banshee including the my
> >> Debian version, though it is not sid but squeeze. Can someone reproduce
> >> this behavior? I'm sorry if this has been posted before, though my
> >> search in the forum archive and bug tracking system did not bring up any
> >> results. I'm actually not running the gnome desktop, only some programs
> >> which I'd like to use, e.g. banshee.
> >>
> >> Thanks for your help.
> >> Cheers,
> >> Torsten
> >>
> >> ----
> >> Here the output starting banshee:
> >>
> >>
> >> [Info  15:16:24.732] Running Banshee 1.5.1: [Debian GNU/Linux unstable
> >> (sid) (linux-gnu, i486) @ 2009-10-14 18:26:16 UTC]
> >>
> >> (/usr/lib/banshee-1/Banshee.exe:4554): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname()
> >> called multiple times
> >> [Warn  15:16:24.964] DBus support could not be started. Disabling for
> >> this session.
> > 
> > This message shows the problem : something is wrong wih d-bus on your
> > system. Maybe the session bus is not started or it's not setup properly.
> > 
> > Banshee uses d-bus to check if there's already an instance of itself
> > running. So I guess that if you fix your d-bus issue, Banshee would
> > behave as you expect.
> Thanks for your quick answer. I already assumed something like this.
> Though this is kind of off topic for this list, can you give me a brief
> hint how to fix the dbus issues. The dbus-daemon is running:
> $: ps -A|grep dbus
>  1619 ?        00:00:09 dbus-daemon
>  2817 ?        00:00:00 dbus-launch
>  2818 ?        00:00:00 dbus-daemon
>  8865 ?        00:00:00 dbus-daemon
> To be honest I have no clue where to start.

I think you'd better try to find some distro-specific instructions,
because I think setting up dbus is highly dependent on your distro,
desktop environment, etc.

I think the end result should be that the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS
environment variable should be set and have the same value for your
whole session.

Bertrand Lorentz <bertrand lorentz gmail com>
> <

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