Re: [Banshee-List] Banshee for Windows PLEASE!!! :D

Dnia 2009-10-20, wto o godzinie 09:51 +0100, James Lewis pisze:
> I have to say, that while I understand the desire... I'd have to be
> against this!  I'm not a Banshee dev, so it's not like this affects
> the
> outcome, but in my experience "cross platform" apps tend to be
> compromised and not able to use platform specific optimisations, so
> they
> end up being less than they could be on both platforms.
> I'd hate more Linux apps to be held back by having to be able to run
> on
> Windows.

I think you're a bit paranoid here. Two reasons:
- Mono is open sourced .NET, there's not much compromise to be done here
- more platforms = more users = more contributors, that's always good.

Just my 0.02€
Michał Sawicz <michal sawicz net>

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