Re: [Banshee-List] Importing media

I have ripped some of my CDs on one machine, and it works fine. Then I move
the folder and file structure for this artist to my other machine, to the
library folder, and run "Import Media". The result is that Banshee imports
"Unknown Artist" and no album structure.
If I had to guess, I'd say that all of the meta-data wasn't actually saved in the files. When you ripped the CD using Banshee, it stores all that information in it's own database. If it wasn't saved to the file as well, it wouldn't be preserved when you move the files to a new machine.

I don't have a copy of 1.4.3 handy, so I can't check the exact wording, but if you look at the application options, there'll be one that says something like "write meta-data to files". Make sure that one is checked.

Now, having checked it (assuming that actually is the problem), you'll need to provoke it into writing the meta data to the files. There may be a better way of doing this, but what I tend to do is select a bunch of files, edit them en masse by adding a character to what ever data item they have in common and then changing it back. It's a labor intensive process, but it'll work. Hopefully someone here can suggest a better way of doing it.

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