On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 11:44 AM, Bertrand Lorentz
bertrand lorentz gmail com> wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-05-25 at 11:07 -0500, Jud Craft wrote:
>> Hello there. I know people have had problems with Banshee's album art
>> before, and I have seen many posts. However, I have my own peculiar
>> spin on it. If this has been answered before, I apologize.
>> I decided I wanted no ambiguity about whether Banshee was reading my
>> art, so I disabled the "Fetch Cover Art from Internet" extension.
>> Then I imported my library into Banshee.
>> There are several pieces of album art from my collection (all in JPG
>> format, as far I can tell by the extensions) that do not display in
>> Banshee. I cannot figure out why. At times, the GNOME Image Viewer
>> tells me "this image file is corrupt." I then load it into GIMP
>> (which can read it okay), and then resave it to JPG, and it works.
>> But there are many images Banshee cannot read that seem to be
>> perfectly valid JPG files. The GNOME Viewer gives me no "corrupt
>> image file" warning, and they display fine in any other program,
>> including Rhythmbox. I know for certain that Banshee is not
>> downloading cover art, so many of my albums simply have no art. Does
>> anyone have any idea why?
>> It is worth noting that they are not of uniform size: some are
>> 200x200, others 500x500, 460x400, all manner of strange sizes. But
>> Banshee can display the non-square images (such as the 460x400 one)
>> fine, so I didn't think size/ratio was a problem.
> I guess your cover art is stored as files in the album folders ?
> Banshee is looking for file with specific names and extension, like
> "cover.jpg", "folder.jpg" or "front.jpg".
> It's also trying to be smart and is not looking for cover art if it
> looks like the folder does not only contain tracks from the same album.
> This algorithm and potential issues with it are discussed in details in
> this bug :
> --
> Bertrand Lorentz <
bertrand lorentz gmail com>
http://flickr.com/photos/bl8/ <