[Banshee-List] Banshee arbitrarily rejecting non-corrupt JPEG album art

Hello there.  I know people have had problems with Banshee's album art
before, and I have seen many posts.  However, I have my own peculiar
spin on it.  If this has been answered before, I apologize.

I decided I wanted no ambiguity about whether Banshee was reading my
art, so I disabled the "Fetch Cover Art from Internet" extension.
Then I imported my library into Banshee.

There are several pieces of album art from my collection (all in JPG
format, as far I can tell by the extensions) that do not display in
Banshee.  I cannot figure out why.  At times, the GNOME Image Viewer
tells me "this image file is corrupt."  I then load it into GIMP
(which can read it okay), and then resave it to JPG, and it works.

But there are many images Banshee cannot read that seem to be
perfectly valid JPG files.  The GNOME Viewer gives me no "corrupt
image file" warning, and they display fine in any other program,
including Rhythmbox.  I know for certain that Banshee is not
downloading cover art, so many of my albums simply have no art.  Does
anyone have any idea why?

It is worth noting that they are not of uniform size:  some are
200x200, others 500x500, 460x400, all manner of strange sizes.  But
Banshee can display the non-square images (such as the 460x400 one)
fine, so I didn't think size/ratio was a problem.

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