Re: [Banshee-List] Support for Multiple Artists of Song?


On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 9:36 PM, GenuineXP <genuinexp gmail com> wrote:

Does the Banshee team plan to support songs with multiple artists (stuffed
into the artist field)?

I'm very annoyed by Banshee's inability (afaik) to parse multiple artists of
a single track. For example, let's say I have two songs, one called Song A
and the other Song B. Song A's artist field is Foo (e.g., Foo is the song's
artist). Song B's artist field is Foo, Bar, Baz (e.g., Foo, Bar, and Baz are
all artists of the song). Banshee simply doesn't understand this! In the
artists list, Foo will appear, but selecting it will only display Song A and
not Song B, despite the fact that Foo is also an artist of Song B! Also,
rather than recognizing the comma delimiter and separating the artists
(which is the heart of the problem), Banshee also lists Foo, Bar, Baz as a
single artist (for which Song B is displayed)!

I'm not sure whether banshee supports it or not, but the correct separator for multiple artists in the ID3V2 standard is the humble forward slash '/'. The ogg format allows you to just put in multiple [ARTIST] tags.

Will this be fixed in the future? Perhaps users can select a delimiter for
separating artists that Banshee can use to read/write/parse artists.

If the feature is not present, you'd probably be best filing an enhancement bug on so the idea doesn't get forgotten about.


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