Re: [Banshee-List] Play Queue: Auto DJ and Party Mode

I've been thinking about some enhancements I'd like to see for the Play Queue
as well, however my ideas were a bit more complex/crazy than this.

First I was thinking that instead of just a queue, there could be a stack of
queues.  The next tracked played would be the track at the head of the queue
that is on the top of the stack.

You could have "virtual queues" that were not simply a list of songs, but
something more like a (smart) playlist with repeat and random settings
associated with it.  So the Queue on the bottom of the stack could be all
songs in the library with random and repeat on.  This would provide something
like the Auto DJ feature that was described.

For example, the bottom queue is a random/repeat of the whole library, I
download a couple new podcasts, I push a new queue on the top of the stack
containing the podcasts.  While listening to the podcasts I decide I want to
listen to a particular album.  I push another queue onto the stack containing
that album.  When the album is done, that queue is empty and gets popped off
the top of the stack.  The new top of the stack is the podcasts queue, so
those keep playing, when all the podcasts are done, that queue is popped off
and it falls back to playing random songs from the library.

A few further enhancements, named queues, so you can add songs to particular
queues.  In the example above, newly downloaded podcasts could get added to
the queue of podcasts, even though it is not on the top of the stack.

As an aside, I would really like to have the podcast plugin automatically add
newly downloaded podcasts to the play queue.  I believe I logged a suggested
feature about this already.

Anyway, these were a couple ideas that have been floating around in my head
for a while, and I thought I would share them.  I would love to implement
these myself, but I really don't have the time right now.  I did think about
making these changes myself, however at the time I could not find any
documentation.  There was a suggestion about making the documentation more
readily available, and let me say that if this were the case I suspect you
would have more people contributing code.


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