Re: [Banshee-List] Compilation support

Sweet... that sounds great.


Gabriel Burt wrote:
2009/1/27 Cory Kaufman <cory northwinddesign com>:
I had things working out really well in iTunes where I could set certain cds
as compilations and the artists wouldn't appear in the library list of
artists unless there were other songs by the same artist. Is there any way
to do this with banshee? If not, maybe this would be a good extension to

Hey Cory,

We plant to make the browsers (currently Track Artist and Album)
configurable, including an option for Album Artist which would, I
believe, solve your problem.  That will be done within Banshee core,
probably, though hopefully extensions will be able to add new
browsers/filters too.

I thought there was a bug open about either the configurable-browsers
or the please-add-album-artist-browser but the closest I'm finding atm
is "add a genre browser" -

banshee-list mailing list
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Cory Kaufman
Web Developer
NorthWind Design, LLC
(616) 516-3906
cory northwinddesign com

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