Re: [Banshee-List] Rethink Import Media dialog?

Ignore this reply, I'm just replying so that the original author can get this into his inbox. He's having trouble with the mailing list.


On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 1:00 PM, zekopeko <zekopeko gmail com> wrote:
The first mail I sent didn't survive traversing the internets :P . Hopefully this one fares better.
The current dialog could use some love.
I'm linking to my quick-and-dirty mockup [1]. Apologies for crappy GIMP-foo skillz and other issues.
From the mockup:
The user can quickly see all of the main ways how to get media into Banshee.

Clicking on one of the buttons leads to the next step in the import process where we refine the users selection.

"Import from this computer" leads to the next set of buttons: "Let me select the folder with my music/videos" , Import videos from my Pictures/Photos folder", "Import media from my Home folder". We either open the FileChooser or do what is written on the button (look in Photos for videos etc).

"Import from your local network" leads to a list of DAAP shares (What else is possible? Perhaps mounted network folders?).  The user clicks each one (s)he wants to import and clicks the "Start importing" button in the lower right. This closes the dialog and starts importing while showing the progress in Banshee's job queue (the thingy in the lower left when downloading or importing).

"Import from other media player" lead to a list of players Banshee detected.  The user clicks each one (s)he wants to import and clicks the "Start importing" button in the lower right. This closes the dialog and starts importing while showing the progress in Banshee's job queue.

Should we reset to the first screen to allow the user to select another source or simply close the dialog after the user has selected the import source?

In the list view for DAAP shares and other media players how should we give feedback to the user that the DAAP-share/media player is selected for importing? I'm against check boxes. Perhaps two buttons next to each DAAP-share/media player labeled "Import" and "Don't import" (the "Don't import" should be greyed until the user selectes that particular source).

Everything should be inline (I think that's the word in English; change the content of the window rather then open new ones) where possible since we don't want to pester the user with a gazillion open windows.

If there is any interest for this I could create more mockups (at great personal expense since I suck at GIMP).



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