Re: [Banshee-List] ANNOUNCE: Banshee 1.3.1

On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 8:18 AM, Strider <chris vansteenlandt telenet be> wrote:
I second your demand. The way the browser was proposed in the mockup was
really neat and I thought it would be already in the 1.2.1 release.

We would finally get rid of all the discussion in the thread you mentioned :
should we sort by album/album artist or album/track artist or
genre/album/artist or ...

The way the solution was proposed gave you all the options you needed : you
choose 3 sort criteria out of all the available attributes so you could have
alle possible combinations.

Aaron, you're listening ?

Of course he is. Gabriel too.
Any chance to include this for 1.4 ? I think this is the only bug report for this, but I had thought there was one that Gabriel had pushed off for 1.4 to 1.x (presumably because there are bigger issues they want to tackle for 1.4 because of the timing). CC yourself on that and any others to stay current on the progress.
Andrew Conkling

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