Re: [Banshee-List] banshee says: GStreamer core error: StateChange

>>>>> "Andrés" == Andrés G Aragoneses <knocte gmail com> writes:
    Andrés> I have a similar issue -- suddendly Banshee stop playing mp3s. But
    Andrés> mine is not related at all with soundjuicer. Have you tried to
    Andrés> uninstall it to see what happens?

Tried that, but that doesn't make the error go away for banshee.
Didn't help at all. I'm at a total loss.
Maybe I should try to reinstall gstreamer, but there are so many packages,
that I have no idea what I should select. e.g. I see many gstreamer-0_10...
packages as well as gstreamer010... ones.


|  Klaus Zeitler                                        |
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