Re: [Banshee-List] Curious Banshee freeze on startup

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 10:31:06AM -0800, Erik Schmidt wrote:
> My first thought was that when I terminated the process I broke a
> configuration file, so I rm -rf'ed ~/.config/banshee-1 and
> ~/.config/banshee, but that didn't resolve the issue. Then I tried
> running banshee from a separate user account, and it worked perfectly.
>  So I'm at a loss to explain this unless banshee stores per-user
> config stuff someplace other than ~/.config.

Did you look at ~/.cache/banshee-1

At least in openSUSE it is creating/using that subtree too.
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TTTTTTTTTT  UU      UU    Eef Hartman, Linux Installations
    TT      UU      UU
    TT      UU      UU    Delft University of Technology
    TT      UU      UU    SSC/ICT, div. ITT/Linux
    TT      UU      UU    Kluyverweg 6, room B1.780
    TT      UU      UU    2629 HT  Delft, The Netherlands
    TT       UU    UU     Phone : 62525 (only TU internal)
    TT        UUUUUU      E-mail : E J M Hartman tudelft nl

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