Re: [Banshee-List] Album Art Sync with IPod 3rd Gen

Am Montag 17 November 2008 11:29:55 schrieb bdr529:
> Hi,
> i tried Banshee 1.4 with ubuntu 8.10 and liked it very much, but having
> trouble with syncing covers on my ipod nano 3rd. Gen.
> Syncing mp3-Files works fine, and i get covers on my ipod too (this doesn't
> work with al lot of other players like amarok, exaile, rhythmbox and
> songbird).
> But the covers on my ipod are mixed all togehter. Some covers appear at
> many wrong albums, some never appear. It doesn't depend on putting the
> covers into the id3-tags or not.
> I tried to put about 20 albums (including covers) on my ipod with gtkpod,
> which worked fine. Gtkpod seems to be the only programm, that works fine
> syncing with album art. I added just one album with banshee afterwards and
> again the new cover appeared at wrong albums.
> So i have to use one music-player and one program for getting my songs on
> my ipod.

I have an I-Pod nano 2nd. Gen black 8GB and I'm experiencing the same thing.

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