2008-12-11 klockan 16:50 skrev outlaw: > [snip] > The wesite the stream comes from is www.wndb.am and it is a mms stream > mms://media.blackcrow.fm/wndb . Fwiw, some IRC snippets: < outlaw> brandonperry: Yes I do have the gstreamer0.10 installed along with w32codecs < uws> can totem play the stream? < outlaw> brandonperry: not sure if their right but from the reading ive been doing on forums they should be what i need < outlaw> uws: none of the players will work. i have even tried amarok and some of the kde players < uws> mplayer? < outlaw> now i can play some other mms streams and everyting else i have come across, just not this one < uws> the server seems not to respond < outlaw> everything else plays fine..............but this is the only one that i really listen to < outlaw> uws: now i can go into xp or vista and it will play under windows media player..............but i dont like windows , but i am new to linux............lol < outlaw> it makes me think that it has to be server side issue. i have e-mailed them and they said that nothing has changed. but what doesnt make any sense is that it will play under windows < uws> outlaw: Connecting to server media.blackcrow.fm[]: 1755... < uws> that's what mplayer says < uws> and telnet 1755 doesn't work either < uws> so the server just does not respond\ < outlaw> uws: same thing i would get < outlaw> uws: now ''telnet'' will basically ping or see if it can communticate with the server right ? < uws> outlaw: no, it will open a socket to the host on the given port < uws> and it does not respond < uws> so the host just does not answer at all < outlaw> uws: i have had another player which i dont remember which one because i have tried them all but it said that port couldnt be opened or found < outlaw> uws: see but it worked last week no problems at all with banshee and all of the sudden nothing anymore < uws> outlaw: perhaps it only works over UDP < uws> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Media_Services < uws> ** Message: Missing plugin: gstreamer|0.10|totem|Windows Media RTP depayloader|decoder-application/x-rtp, media=(string)application, payload=(int)96, encoding-name=(string)X-ASF-PF (Windows Media RTP depayloader) < uws> outlaw: ^ < outlaw> uws: that's got me confused...........sorry . i downloaded all the gstreamer0.10 plugins and w32codecs . i do a dpkg -l | grep gstreamer and it shows them . But the rest of that has me confused < uws> outlaw: Looks like it doesn't work over TCP, which is what Banshee/Totem/MPlayer try < outlaw> uws: Do you know of or have any ideas on any players i might be able to try out . < outlaw> uw < outlaw> uws: i even went as far as to install ''wine'' with ''IE4L'' with no luck because it wouldnt work right and link would never open up . < uws> outlaw: No, sorry, seems that the protocol or the formats used are not supported < outlaw> uws: thanks for link to that page, that actually helps alot . I have been reading google for 4 days with no success. < outlaw> uws: thanks for you help anyway ! HTH. — Wouter -- :wq mail uws xs4all nl web http://uwstopia.nl you keep me alone · in a room full of friends — porcupine tree
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