Re: [Banshee-List] Windows! (Yes, I said WINDOWS!)

MonoDevelop supports .sln fine. You could just completely replace all the mds/mdp's with .csproj/.sln files and be done with it. MonoDevelop may even support auto-conversion of mdp -> sln and vice versa, so that may be worth checking out.

Also, no need to reinvent the wheel with the dllimports, just use the windows names and the dll map mechanism in Mono - that's what it's there for :)


On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 8:56 PM, Scott Peterson <lunchtimemama gmail com> wrote:
Oh, there are a few other particulars that I wanted to mention:

Mono.Cairo. One of the *-sharp.dll wrapper assemblies references
Mono.Cairo.dll 1.0.5 but we reference Mono.Cairo.dll 2.0. This kills
Aaron's dream of just shoving all of the dependencies in the executing
directory: one of the two will need to be registered through the GAC.

The other thing is, I had to use the Windows filenames for extern
method DLLs. Since Mono has a faculty for DLL mapping, I recommend we
use the Windows names in the source and rely on Mono to resolve those
to the Unix names when appropriate. The other option is:

private static extern IntPtr g_filename_to_uri_win32 (IntPtr filename,
IntPtr hostname, IntPtr error);

private static extern IntPtr g_filename_to_uri (IntPtr filename,
IntPtr hostname, IntPtr error);

if(Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix)
  g_filename_to_uri(filename, hostname, error);
  g_filename_to_uri_win32(filename, hostname, error);

Which sucks hard.

OK, that's really all for now.
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