Re: [Banshee-List] How about a Pandora plugin?

There is of course the possibility they they wouldn't want it. But if it was agreed to integrate the banner add into the Pandora section of the program (if one ever is created) then they should be pleased to partake. After all, they would gain a larger user base and more exposure, and more commission. But I'm no expert in business, so I might be wrong. But I would love to have it integrated into Banshee.

MichaÅ? Sawicz <michal sawicz net> wrote:
Aleksander Helgaker wrote:
> If it's possible, I think this would be a great plugin. Maybe Pandora
> would be willing to cooperate with Banshee in making this. I'm sure they
> wouldn't mind as long as the "Purchase from Amazon" link is still in
> there. They live off the commissions after all.

Maybe they wouldn't... Again, maybe they would. I think it would
actually be a great plugin, I'd love to have that in my Banshee.

Unfortunately, I don't think I'd be able to write this plugin, however
easy it might be...

I'd presume the communication between the flash player and their site is
done through xml or something similar.

ABock, maybe You could mail them to see if they would be willing to
cooperate at all?

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