Re: [Banshee-List] Slightly OT: Looking for mp3 player w/ voice recorder that works w/ banshee

On 2/7/07, michael michaelshiloh com <michael michaelshiloh com> wrote:
On Wed, 7 Feb 2007, Gabriel Burt wrote:
> On 2/7/07, michael michaelshiloh com <michael michaelshiloh com> wrote:
>> I'm thinking of getting a pocket MP3 player and I'm seeking recommendations.
>> Of course it must work with banshee.
> We have an iAudio G3 and it's nice - recording, FM, Ogg, tiny, loong
> battery life on one AA.

Ah, Ogg: thanks for reminding me. That's important too. FM is extra nice

Might take a look at the devices that Rockbox supports: They all would have Ogg playback and recording
capabilities, despite what their original specs may be.

I'm not sure if they support any USB-sized ones, though. In general,
I'd recommend buying an iPod and putting Rockbox on it or, if you
really want to avoid Apple altogether, a Cowon iAudio X5, with or
without Rockbox. (I have the latter. It's a nice device, about the
size of a full-size iPod, but not as slick. At the time I bought
it--before I knew about Rockbox--it was the only one that played FLACs
with a color screen.)

Hope this helps in some way,

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